Friday, 18 October 2013

TFS create workitem and get workitem URL/link/hyperlink

The workitem creation using TFS is well known. Here I am just sharing the code snippet which retrieves the URL for a newly created workitem. The URL returned is same as the URL generated when "Send to Outlook" button is clicked in TFS against a workitem.

WorkItemStore _wiStore = new WorkItemStore(tfsServer); //tfsServer is your TFS server URL

var project = _wiStore.Projects[<bugs project>]; //Put your project name containing bug type workitems

WorkItemType workItemType = project.WorkItemTypes["Bug"]; //Create new bug workitemtype

WorkItem _workItem = new WorkItem(workItemType); //Create bug workitem object

TswaClientHyperlinkService _hyperlinkService = tfsServer.GetService<TswaClientHyperlinkService>(); //Initialize TFS' hyperlink service

_workItem.Fields["Title"].Value = title;
_workItem.Fields["Area Path"].Value = areaPath;
_workItem.Fields["Iteration Path"].Value = iteration;
//initialize other WorkItem fields
var validationErrors = _workItem.Validate();
if (validationErrors.Count == 0)
string bugUrl = _hyperlinkService.GetArtifactViewerUrl(_workItem.Uri).ToString(); //The URL we are looking for

Hope this helps.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, so much, A!
    I found this just when I needed it :)

